Kiki Pham


Kiki is an illustrator, graphic designer, and content creator based in L.A., originally from the D.C. metro area. Honey Kiki Studio is a one-woman graphic design studio specializing in illustration and creative identities. My content revolves around cozy aesthetics while capturing my slow life.

Ever since I was a child, I have drawn inspiration from nature, children’s book illustrations, and Japanese animations. With my work, I hope to bridge the divide between the mundane and coziness.

For inquiries please contact


March 2019 | Mason Illustrators Artist Alley | George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

April 2019 | Mason Night Market Showcase | George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

November 2019 | Mason Illustrators Artist Alley | George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

December 2021 | Art and Design Senior Show | George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

April 2023 | Unforced Errors Zine Release | Los Angeles, CA

Featured on

2018 | Fairfax, VA. Volition. Apple Pie

Say Hello!

Tiktok: @honeykikistudio

Instagram: @honeykiki.png

Twitter: @honeykikistudio